Daylight Saving Time and other things that make me happy

Two pregnant gals
The only decent photo anyone has taken of me since I started gestating. This is my big belly at 33 weeks 4 days.

Thank you for taking a decent picture of me, Natalie! And, of course, for helping Sara and Heather to throw me the sweetest baby shower ever! If/when two babies in the bellies in this picture get married someday, we will force them to display this photo prominently at the wedding and reception.

It’s after 6pm now and the sun is still out! Under normal circumstances this turn of events does wonders for my mood. In my current (perpetual) state it’s just the pick-me-up I needed. Especially coupled with lovely warm days this Friday and Saturday followed by some much needed rain and the PERFECT baby shower on Sunday.

Friday I was able to hang out in the back yard with Luna after finishing my day of working from the couch. It has been pretty quick trips in and out lately because I hate being cold. Since it was nice out, we took the chance to get outside while Daniel vacuumed as Luna is terrified of the monster that is the Bissel. She ran around to her heart’s content while I picked up a few plastic hanging baskets and other items from last year that didn’t survive the winter and piled them up for the trash or recycling at a garden center like Lowe’s or Home Depot. I can never remember who exactly takes those. It wasn’t much but I felt like I was at least getting something done for once. I was a little sad to think about how I am usually out sweating and working hard to get the yard and garden in spring shape at the first sign of a warm day but I’m a little busy getting something else into shape and ready for a Spring debut so I guess I shouldn’t be too sad 🙂

Saturday morning was warm enough to open up all the windows for the first time in so very many months. I just kept saying, “It smells SO GOOD in here!” I dusted in the living room while Daniel did a ton other chores because all I could do was dust a shelf and then sit and rest for a million years, whining the whole time about being out of breath and being shocked at how tired the simplest tasks make me or holding ice packs to my feet. It was beautiful nonetheless because the windows were open and the heat was off and I was actually doing something to get the house ready for the impending baby as well as for COMPANY!  My dear  friend Becky (see the hot mama in the photo above) called me on Thursday to tell me that she and her lovely husband Paul would be here on Saturday morning to visit and come to my baby shower.  I didn’t even remember that I had put her on the invite list. 0_o THAT is some serious baby brain. You see, Becky is ALSO pregnant (My best friend and I are having our first babies at the same time. How insanely awesome is that?) and I had thought about just inviting her to my family “meet the baby” shower in May since she lives in Missouri so it wouldn’t be so far for her to drive. But I had also gone on to think “Well, I’ll invite her and then call her and tell her not to worry about coming,” but I apparently never got around to that conversation. Thank goodness! Becky was insistent that we have some time together before we have our babies and I’m so glad. We had a wonderful time gabbing and comparing bumps and pregnancy symptoms and just enjoying each other’s company.

I was completely exhausted by yesterday evening but it was a fantastic weekend and I feel a little recharged and ready to face the next several weeks. Things are starting to come together so I will have more to say other than “I worked from my couch all week and went to the Dr twice. As usual.” I mean to post some thoughts on our “birth plan” (those unnecessary quotes are intentional) and our doula and on the spare bedroom that looks more like a nursery than not these days.

I didn’t mean to make this into a Mommy/Pregnancy blog, but that’s pretty much my life at the moment. As much as I’d love to do other things, growing this little stinker & dealing with my pregnancy related health issues are about all I have the energy for. Everything else is definitely dogeared for now. The subtle changes outside calling out the transition from Winter to Spring give me a little clarity that I am in a certain season in my life and, like all other seasons, there will be change. This too shall pass and I will have something pretty cool at the end of this season to mark the beginning of a new and exciting one.

Author: TheVirtue

I'm a procrastinator and a busy bee just trying to focus and simplify my life. I hang out with my wonderful husband, dog and cat, knit, sew, bake, garden and overthink everything all while I'm busy growing a person.

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